DSM Oil Survey

The table highlights the responses to a survey that was conducted about DSMs and lifter noise by analyzing the type and weight of oil and oil filters. Please use this information at your own risk.

# Year Model Drivetrain Mileage (miles) Oil Synth -etic? Oil Filter Interval (miles) Turbo Timer Lifter noise?
1 1994 Eagle Talon TSi FWD Turbo 100,000 Mobil 1 10w30 Yes Mitsu genuine 3,000 Yes Yes
2 1998 Eagle Talon TSi Turbo 20,000 Quaker State 10w40 No Bosh 5,000km Yes No
3 1990 Eagle Talon TSi AWD Turbo 163,000 Valvoline 10w30 No Fram 3,000 No Yes
4 1995 Eagle Talon TSi FWD Turbo 26,000 Mobil 1 10w30 Yes Fram 2,500 - 3,000 No Yes
5 1992 Eagle Talon TSi AWD Turbo 103,000 Castrol 10w30 Yes Purolator Pure One 4,000 No Yes
6 1990 Eagle Talon TSi AWD Turbo 105,000 Castrol SLX 0w30 Yes Mitsu genuine 5,000km No Yes
7 1995 Eagle Talon TSi AWD Turbo 60,000 Castrol Syntec 5w30 Yes Mitsu genuine 3,000 No Oh Yah!
8 1992 Mistubushi Eclipse FWD 2.0L101,000 Castrol 10w30 No Fram 3,000 No Yes
91996 Eagle Talon AWD Turbo 30,500 Quaker State 5w30 (10w30 summer) No Quaker State 3,000 No No
10 1991 Mitsubushi Galant VR-4 Turbo 92102 Valvoline 20w50 No Mitsu genuine 2,500 - 3,000 Yes Yes
111993 Mitsubushi Eclipse GSX AWD Turbo 78,000 Mobil 1 10w30 Yes Napa Gold 3,000 No Yes
12 1995 Eagle Talon FWD Turbo 40,050 Mobil 1 10w30 summer/ 5w30 winter Yes mitsubishi every 3000 miles No No
13 1995 Mitsubushi Eclipse AWD Turbo 57,000 Castrol Syntec Blend 10w30 Semi Fram 3,000 No Yes
14 1990 Eagle Talon AWD Turbo 80,000 Mobil 1 10w30 Yes Fram or Deutsch 3,000 No Yes
15 1991 Mitsubushi Eclipse AWD Turbo 70,000 Mobil 1 10w30 (5w30 winter) Yes Mitsu genuine 3,000 No Yes
16 1991 Eagle Talon AWD Turbo 79,000 Mobil 1 10w30 Yes Fram Napa Mopar 3,000 No No
171995 Mitsubushi Eclipse AWD Turbo n/a Castrol 10w30 No Mitsu genuine 3,000 No Yes
181990 Eagle Talon AWD Turbo n/a Pennzoil 10w30 No n/a 3,000 No Yes
19 1993 Eagle Talon AWD Turbo 136,000 Misc. dino oils 10w40 No Fram, Purolator 5,000 No Yes
201995 Mitsubushi Eclipse AWD Turbo 94,000 Valvoline Racing 20w50 (5w30 winter) Yes n/a n/a No No
211993 Eagle Talon AWD Turbo 63,000 Mobil 1 15w50 Yes Mitsu genuine 3,000 - 4,000 No No
221990 Plymouth Laser FWD Turbo 165,000 km (100,000 miles) Mobil 1 5w30 Yes n/a 10,000 km No No
231991 Plymouth Laser FWD Turbo 106,000 Amsoil Series 2000 20w50 Yes Amsoil Amsoil extended interval No Yes
24 1997 Eagle Talon AWD Turbo 23,000 Castrol Syntech 10w30 Yes Mitsu genuine 3,000 No No
25 1991 Eagle Talon AWD Turbo 75,000 Mobil 1 10w-30 Yes Fram n/a Yes Yes
26 1998 Mitsubushi Eclipse AWD Turbo 12,000 Quaker State 10w30 Semi Mitsu factory 3 months Yes No
27 1995 Mitsubushi Eclipse AWD Turbo 45,000 Castrol 10w30 No Mitsubushi 3000 No Yes
28 1991 Plymouth Laser FWD 1.8L 53,000 Mobil 1 10w30 Yes Pennzoil 5,000 No No
29 1992 Eagle Talon AWD Turbo 140,000 Mobil 1 10w30 Yes Mitsubishi 3,000 Yes No
30 1998 Mitsubushi Eclipse AWD Turbo 29,000 Valvoline 10w30 Yes FRAM 3,500 No No
31 1992 Eagle Talon AWD Turbo 97,000 Redline 10w30 Yes Mobil 1 9,000* Yes No
32 1998 Mitsubushi Eclipse FWD Turbo 14,000 10w30 No n/a n/a No No
33 1990 Eagle Talon AWD Turbo 74,000 Mobil 1 10w30 Yes Fram 3,000 Yes No
34 1993 Eagle Talon FWD 2.0L 125,000 Valvoline 10w30 No 3,000 No Yes
35 1995 Mitsubushi Eclipse AWD Turbo 75,200 Mobil 1 10w30 Yes Genuine Mitsu 3,000 No No
36 1992 Eagle Talon AWD Turbo 78,000 Pennzoil 10w30 No Chrysler Mitsubushi 2,500 to 3,000 No Yes
37 1992 Eagle Talon FWD Turbo 70,900 Mobil 1 15w50 Yes Fram 2500 to 3000 No Yes
38 1998 Mitsubushi Eclipse AWD Turbo 20,000 Quaker State 10w30 No Quaker State 3,000 No No
39 1997 Mitsubushi Eclipse FWD Turbo 30,000 Mobil 1 10w30 Yes OE Replacement (Bosch) 3000 No Yes
40 1992 Eagle Talon AWD Turbo 114,000 Mobil 10w40 No Perolator 3000 miles No Yes
# Year Model Drivetrain Mileage (miles) Oil Synth -etic? Oil Filter Interval (miles) Turbo Timer Lifter noise?
41 1992 Eagle Talon AWD Turbo 63,675 Mobil 1 10w30 Yes Purolator Pure 1 3000 Yes Yes
42 1991 Mitsubushi Eclipse FWD Turbo 73,940 Valvoline 10w30 No Napa Gold 3000 No Yes
43 1991 Eagle Talon AWD Turbo 80,000 mobil 1 15w50 Yes fram 2500 No No
44 1993 Eagle Talon AWD Turbo 68,000 Mobil 1 10w30 Yes Oem or Fram 3000 No Yes
45 1990 Mitsubushi Eclipse AWD Turbo 103,300 Mobil 1 10w30 Yes Mobil 1 3000 No No
46 1992 Eagle Talon AWD Turbo 142,000 MOBIL 1 10w30 Yes K&N 3000 No Yes
47 1995 Mitsubushi Eclipse AWD Turbo 60,000 Mobil 1 0w30 Yes Fram X-tra Guard 3000 No Yes
48 1991 Mitsubushi Eclipse AWD Turbo 88,000 Mobil 1 5w30 Yes Fram 2k Yes Yes
49 1997 Mitsubushi Eclipse FWD Turbo 17,000 Amsoil 0w30 Yes Fram 15,000 No Yes
50 1995 Eagle Talon AWD Turbo 37,000 Mobil 1 5w30 Yes Mitsubishi 3k~4k No No
51 1991 Mitsubushi Eclipse FWD 2.0L 95,000 Valvoline 5w30 No Fram 2,500 No Yes
52 1992 Eagle Talon AWD Turbo 65,000 MOBIL 1 10w30 Yes FRAM 3,000 No Yes
53 1992 Plymouth Laser AWD Turbo 67,500 Castrol 10w40 No Fram 3,000 No Yes
54 1995 Mitsubushi Eclipse AWD Turbo 65,000 Amsoil 2000 10w30 Yes OEM Mitsu 4,000 No No
55 1992 Mitsubushi Eclipse FWD 1.8L 86,000 Castrol GTX 10w40 No Fram Double Guard 5,000 No No
56 1990 Eagle Talon FWD Turbo 100,000 Valvoline Durablend 10w40 Semi Fram 3,000 No Yes
57 1990 Eagle Talon FWD Turbo 82,000 MOBIL 1 0w30 Yes mobil 1 or purolater 2,500 No Yes
58 1996 Mitsubushi Eclipse FWD Turbo 6,000 MOBIL 1 Others in comments Yes MITSU, FRAM 1,500 ~ 2,500 Yes No
59 1995 Mitsubushi Eclipse AWD Turbo 74,500 Mobil 1 Other - state in comments Yes STP 3,000 No Yes
60 1992 Eagle Talon AWD Turbo 104,000 Mobil 1 10w30 Yes factory 4,000 No No
# Year Model Drivetrain Mileage (miles) Oil Synth -etic? Oil Filter Interval (miles) Turbo Timer Lifter noise?
61 1990 Eagle Talon AWD Turbo 71,000 Mobil 1 10w30 Yes Fram 3000 No Yes
62 1998 Mitsubushi Eclipse AWD Turbo 15,000 CASTROL 5w30 Yes MITSUBISHI 3000 No No
63 1991 Mitsubushi Eclipse FWD 2.0L 114,000 Trop Arctic 10w30 No Napa 3000 No Yes
64 1998 Mitsubushi Eclipse AWD Turbo 22,000 Castrol GTX 10w30 No Purolator 3000 - 4000 No No
65 1991 Eagle Talon AWD Turbo 71,500 Castrol Syntec 10w30 Yes Napa gold 5000 No No
66 1998 Eagle Talon FWD Turbo 30,000 Mobil 1 10w30 Yes Fram 3000 No Yes
67 1997 Mitsubushi Eclipse AWD Turbo 46,000 Pennzoil 10w30 No Pennzoil 3000 No Yes
68 1991 Mitsubushi Galant AWD Turbo 124,000 Castrol 10w30 No Deutch 3000 Yes Yes
69 1995 Eagle Talon AWD Turbo 46,000 Mobil Sythetic 10w40 Yes Fram 5 months / 5000 miles No No
70 1993 Plymouth Laser FWD 2.0L 90,000 Mobil 10w30 No 3000 No Yes
71 1990 Eagle Talon FWD Turbo 140,000 Mobil 1 10w30 Yes Fram Double Guard or Mobil 1 3 - 4,000 No Yes
72 1994 Eagle Talon FWD 1.8L N/A 20w50 Yes N/A N/A No No
73 1990 Plymouth Laser FWD Turbo 94,000 Mobil 1 10w30 Yes Purolator 3000 No Yes
74 1992 Plymouth Laser AWD Turbo 75,769 Mobil 1 Yes Purolator 2500 to 3000 No Yes
75 1995 Mitsubushi Eclipse FWD 2.0L 52,856 Mobil 1 10w30 Yes Quaker state 3,000 No No
76 1998 Mitsubushi Eclipse FWD Turbo 47,000 Mobil 1 5w30 Yes Fram 3,000 No No
77 1995 Eagle Talon AWD Turbo 80,000 Mobil 1 5w30 Yes dunno 3,000 No Yes
78 1992 Eagle Talon AWD Turbo 82,000 Valvoline 10w30 Yes 2,000 No Yes
79 1990 Mitsubushi Eclipse FWD Turbo 97,000 Valvoline Racing 20w50 No Fram 3000 No No
80 1991 Plymouth Laser FWD 2.0L 156,293 EXXON SUPERFLOW 10w30 No STP 2500 No No
# Year Model Drivetrain Mileage (miles) Oil Synth -etic? Oil Filter Interval (miles) Turbo Timer Lifter noise?
81 1998 Mitsubushi Eclipse FWD Turbo 24,216 Castrol Syntec 5w50 Yes Fram Tough Guard 3000 No Yes
82 1993 Plymouth Laser FWD 2.0L 111,197 Valvoline 20w50 Semi stp 2500 No Yes
83 1995 Mitsubushi Eclipse FWD Turbo 97,000 Various brands 10w30 No Mitsubishi 3000 Yes No
84 1992 Plymouth Laser FWD 1.8L 134,000 Castrol GTX 10w30 No Fram 3000 No No
85 1991 Plymouth Laser FWD Turbo 82,000 Mobil 1 10w30 Yes Purolator 3000 - 4000 No No
86 1995 Eagle Talon FWD Turbo 71,000 Castrol Syntec 10w30 Yes n/a n/a No Yes
87 1992 Eagle Talon AWD Turbo 114,000 Castrol Syntec 5w50 Yes mobil 1 3,000 No Yes
88 1993 Eagle Talon AWD Turbo 151,000 Mobil 1 10w30 Yes forget 3000km No Yes
89 1996 Eagle Talon AWD Turbo N/amobil1 10w30 Yes N/aonce a year on dodge No No
90 1995 Mitsubushi Eclipse AWD Turbo 84,000 Castrol Sytntec 5w50 Yes Purilator 3,000 No No
911997Mitsubushi EclipseAWD Turbo45,000Mobil 1 10w30Yes Bosch5000 YesYes
921997Mitsubushi EclipseAWD Turbo45,000Mobil 1 5w30YesPure One or Bosch 3000YesNo
931993Eagle Talon FWD 2.0L 73,000Castrol GTX 10w30NoFram 2800NoNo
941991Mitsubushi Eclipse AWD Turbo 102,000Mobil 1 5w30YesMobil 1 2000-2500YesYes
95 1998 Mitsubushi Eclipse FWD Turbo 32300 Redline 20w50 Yes Purolator 3500 Yes Yes
961992 Eagle Talon AWD Turbo 46900 Mobile One 15w50YesFram 3000 Yes No
97 1995 Mitsubushi Eclipse FWD Turbo 51,000 Amsoil 10w30 Yes Mitsubishi 3,000 No No
981991 Eagle Talon FWD 2.0L 25,000km Valvoline 20w50 No Fram 3000km No No
991991 Mitsubushi Eclipse FWD 2.0L 155,000 Castrol 10w30 No Fram 3000 No No
100 1997 Eagle Talon AWD Turbo 42,000 Pennzoil 10w30 No Fram 3000-5000 No Yes
# Year Model Drivetrain Mileage (miles) Oil Synth -etic? Oil Filter Interval (miles) Turbo Timer Lifter noise?
101 1990 Eagle Talon AWD Turbo n/a 10w30 No n/a n/aNo No
102 1999 Mitsubushi Eclipse Spyder Turbo 22,820 Amsoil 10w30 Yes Amsoil 5,000 Yes No
103 1994 Mitsubushi Eclipse FWD 2.0L 80,000 Dino 10w30 No Fram 3,000 No Yes
104 1998 Mitsubushi Eclipse FWD 2.0L 44,000 Quaker State 5w30 No Quaker State 1,500-2,000 No Yes
105 1995 Eagle Talon AWD Turbo 72,800 Mobil 1 Synth 5w30 Yes Puralotor 5,000 No No
106 1992 Mitsubushi Eclipse FWD 1.8L 154,000 Valvoline 20w50 No Purolator 2,500 No Yes
107 1990 Plymouth Laser FWD Turbo 127000 mobil 1 10w30 No fram 3000 No Yes

There are comments on lifter noise and oil in general listed below the table. The # in the table corresponds to the # for the comments given by that person. Enjoy.

Other Comments - I bought my 1994 Eagle Talon TSI in March of 1998. It had 84,000 miles on it and as far as I could tell it had been using dino oil. I used Valvoline 10w30 and a Fram ph7317 oil filter until recently when I decided to change to synthetic oil to help prevent "coking" on the turbo bearings, which I have recently learned about through Club DSM. I also purchased a used turbo timer to help with this. I am trying to make my "baby" run as long as possible. I decided to go the "slow change" route from dino to synthetic oil. After choosing Mobil 1 10w30 as my "oil of choice" I purchased 2 quarts of regular Mobil 10w30 and mixed them together at my next oil change. I continued to use the Fram filter, but after reading more I decided to try the Mitsubishi stock filter. Things got a little confusing here - the owners manual listed 2 filter numbers -md135737 (small one), md031805 (larger, shorter one). I called Mitsu and Eagle dealers and one gave my the first #, the other gave me second #. Of course, the eagle filter was more $$. I decided to try the smaller one from a Mitsu dealer (md135737) and it seems to be fine. At the next oil change I went to full synthetic (Mobil 1) and the Mitsu filter. So far (1,500 miles later) I have no problems as far as consumption or oil leaks - contrary to some other club DSM members experiences.

Other comments- I use 10w40 oil as the though the extra weight would provide more protection at the high operating temperatures that the turbo 2.0 runs at. After reading many posts i've decided to drop down to the recommended 10w30. I'll never switch to synthetic.

Comments on lifter noise- Lifter noise only on warm-up, then goes away

Other comments- I used to use Purolators, because they were available to me, and I used them on my old cars as well. I, however, switched after I was on the drag strip, and the purolator I had on popped it's seal (it was only 400 miles old, too).... ON THE DRAG STRIP! .... Last time I ran Fram on the dragstrip and everything was fine. I would probably run mitsubishi but I figure at this mileage it really doesn't matter anymore, I guess I'm hoping for a new engine :)

Comments on lifter noise- Noise occurs until warmed up.

Other comments- When I first changed the oil, I didn't know about the gasket on the drain plug, so I didn't replace this as well. Because of this, I leaked a little oil, now I put in a new gasket each time and have no noticeable oil consumption.

Comments on lifter noise- Lifter noise started around 30k. Before switching to Castrol syntec, I used penzoil 10w30. The problem doesn't seem any better or worse since I switched.

Comments on lifter noise- Rare and silent to none.

Other comments- I used Castrol RS Formula Racing Syntec 10W60 before. I also gives some lifter noise and seems to be to dense for this engine. Also when traveling long with speed over 100mph oil pressure drops. On the new SLX I'll have some impressions soon.

Comments on lifter noise- I live with it. It is only at idle.

Other comments- I've tried a couple of synthetics and nothing makes the lifter noise disappear. Not even the dealer could cure it. They refused to replace the lifters. Never had any other oil related problem. Never had to add oil between changes.

Comments on lifter noise- only on warmup
Other comments- now I use this stuff called Valve Medic, no more lifter noise, stuff works great

Other comments- Quaker State had a 10 year or 250,000 mile warranty covering anything lubed by their oil that fails. Includes the Turbo. It was no charge and I have had it on three cars but have never had to use it so I don't know if it has any value. One of my cars is 18 years old and when I replaced a leaking valve cover gasket it looked almost new. In about 20 years of use and at least 8 vehicles, I have never had any engine failures. The highest mileage has been 145,000. Several have been over 100,000. It was always my opinion that good oil changed regularly was about the best investment you could make in your car.

Comments on lifter noise- less since going to 20w50

Other comments- leaks less and smokes less (cracked valve guide, I think) since going to 20w50

Comments on lifter noise- i'll be cleaning or replacing the lifters soon

Other comments- switched from catrol syntec to mobil 1

Comments on lifter noise- Had lifter noise until I had the lifters replaced under warranty. The new lifters had larger oil passages and they haven't made any noise since. (about 4,000 miles)

Comments on lifter noise- The lifter tick is still present, and may be slightly louder but always goes away after just a few minutes. Oil pressure when warm and at idle barely raises off the 1st mark. It does go up rapidly when the rev's increase.

Other Comments- The car's oil was dirty, even though the maintenance log showed consistant 5K changes. After 3 changes the oil is looking much better. I drive over 3K miles per month and can't see the benefit of paying the extra 2 bucks per quart for full synthetic. I may swith to a new Wix filter that filters down to 10 microns as Fram goes to 40.

Comments on lifter noise- It had the dread lifter tap when I got it, so it developed that while running dino oil. It sounds like only one is tapping. Doing the "noisy lifter FAQ" makes it go away for a couple of months.

Other comments- I have not experienced any oil related failure on my car. It uses less
than 1 qt. every 3k miles, I've had to add oil maybe once or twice.

Comments on lifter noise- I put all new lifters in at ~75K and have no ticking at all, even cold startup.

Other comments- I don't have nor have ever had a turbo timer (I let it cool down for about 1 min. or so after driving). I start to drive slow and easy before I park it (last mile or so). If I'm coming in from an interstate cruise (I drive fast!) I let it idle for about 5mins or so.

Comments on lifter noise- I use a STOCK Mitsubishi filter because it is the only filter on the market with a shut off valve. It helps with valve adjuster noise. There is also and additive that the dealer sells which will help with valve adjuster noise(it is a GM product, go figure, eh?) that you should add every third oil change. It really worked great for me.

Comments on lifter noise- It has had lifter noise for so long now that I don't notice it.

Other comments- It has the original turbo on it with no boost control solenoid. While the engine still appears to be in perfect shape, the turbo seals are getting tired and I will probably replace it within the next 15,000 miles.

Other comments- I'm not particularly harsh on the engine, although I've gotten on it hard at times. Likewise, I never let the turbo cool after driving. I saw a noticeable (though not appreciable) drop in oil pressure upon switching to the lighter oil, but am not seeing any external oil leak. Not enough miles to tell if its using a little - no smoke though.

Other comments- I have a mechanical oil pressure gauge and my oil pressure has pretty much stayed the same between the two types of oil with the exception that the synthetic seems to warm up faster and I have no lifter noise at all in cold weather. One advantage I have noticed is that I have never had to add oil between oil changes, there is literally no oil usage as I had before with dino oil.

Other comments- I pulled the head off the car last summer to replace a leaking head gasket and took the opportunity to have a good look at everything. With 165,000 km (100,000 miles) on the engine, you could still see the honing marks clearly on the cylinder walls. I don't know if this is normal, but there was definitely very little wear. Everything looked brand new.

Comments on lifter noise- I have always had that, so I guess I no longer notice it. It usually is for a short period at start up. I have never burned any oil, and rarely need to top it off. The only time I really recall having to add oil was when my valve cover gasket was leaking.

Other comments- I've been running my 91 Plymouth Laser RS Turbo on Amsoil since I got her with 15,000 miles. I have had two turbos go bad on me, but neither appeared to be oil related. The first time there was a pop and I was blowing smoke. I was actually two blocks away from where I had gotten my oil change done when this happened, so the oil can't get any newer than that. The turbot was still under warranty so the dealer replaced it. I asked them why it went bad, but they never did tell me specifically, they just swapped out turbos. They said because I was running 10W-30, it was too thin here in Florida, but everyone else I have spoken with said that this isn't true, even Dave B. Another mechanic I spoke to said what most likely happened is that the cleaning agents in the Amsoil probably dislodged some gunk within the engine and it plugged the oil line to the turbo. Guess we'll never know for sure anymore.

The second turbo going is being blamed on an oil additive. I had been convinced by a nice advertisement that a product called DynoLube was so fantastic, and I figured I am already running the Amsoil, may as well have even better protection (this was pryor to me becomeing a dealer). DynoLube advertised to be even better than DuraLube, and now knowing more about my car and oils as well as additives, the belief is that the chlorine in this product, probably more than the approx 40% of DuraLube broke down (it become hydrochloric acid) and caused the failure. DO NOT use an oil additive in any oil you end up using! Besides most likely causing damage to your car at one point, if you run Amsoil you can void their warranty which covers you if you have an oil related problem and Amsoil is the cause.

In fall of 97, I became an Amsoil dealer to be able to purchase my oil at wholesale cost. Up until that point I had been running the standard Amsoil 10W-30 with their oil filter older filter (AMF44). At that time I had my seized turbo replaced and a bunch of mods done and I switched to the Amsoil Series 2000 0W-30. This past fall (98) I switched to the Amsoil Series 2000 20W-50. This is the same oil that the Sakura runs. I figure if it can protect them running at 56 psi, it should protect me as well. I was advised recently by a mechanic to not run a 20W-50 in the car (even Amsoil) due to the thickness and possibility of oil not getting to vital areas, but because of the formulation of the Amsoil Series 2000, it is able to flow into tight areas like a thinner oil, but protect like the thicker, so this 20W-50 is safe to use.

I feel confident now that my engine is well protected after reading and hearing all the testimonials and stats on the Amsoil. Amsoil also offers an extended drain interval and has done this since they developed and marketed the first synthetic oil to the public back in 1972, before any other oil manufacturer had a synthetic available to the public or even believed that there would be a demand for it. I plan to run my oil until the Amsoil recommended interval is reached, and then send an oil sample in to have it tested. In most cases I hear that the oil is still good. Currently I have 106,000 miles on the car, with my last change at 103,000. I have a ways to go before the recommended drain using the Amsoil.

Comments on lifter noise- I get a little bit of it. It got a little better once I add the GM oil additive from Mitsubishi.

Other comments- * I change the filter every 3,000 miles and top of the oil loss while changing the filter. Every fourth filter I pull the drainplug and do a full oil change.

Comments on lifter noise- Slight lifter noise when cold (maybe 1 stubborn one). Nothing when warmed up.

Other comments- Started with Mobil 1 at 24,000 miles. Have used it to date. Inside value cover is spotless!

Comments on lifter noise- It's very clicky and drives me insane. I didn't notice it right away, maybe because I bought it in the summer, and it takes longer to move the oil around and warm the engine in the winter. I've used both 5W30 and 10W30 with no noticeable difference in lifter noise (still loud!) I thought it might have to do with the oil pressure, since it seems very low most of the time, often hanging below the minimum line. This bothers me alot too, since it doesn't seem healthy. Even when I fill the crankcase to the maximum recommended level, the pressure barely clears the minimum line. I don't think the engine leaks oil, maybe a bit from the oil filler cap, but I think it does burn some oil.

Other comments- Would anyone be able to verify a possible correlation between the lifter noise, oil pressure and a possibly leaky gasket somewhere in the engine?

Comments on lifter noise- on cold mornings sometimes for about 1 minute I will hear the "tap..tap...tap"

Other comments- Nice site!

Comments on lifter noise- Only on start-up gone within 2 - 3 minutes

Comments on lifter noise- My 1990 eclipse gsx had lifter noise, so i'm cautious about this 98.

Comments on lifter noise- Seems to happen in the mornings when engine is cold(which I was told is normal), but at times I also notice it after driving for a while. Can be very loud at times.

Other comments- I bought the car used, so unfortunately I do not know how the previous owner treated the car. The car was bone stock when I got it and the lifter noise was already there. The only aftermarket part to date that has been added was an intake.

Comments on lifter noise- Only when its cold and it quits at 3000 RPM's

Comments on lifter noise- not as bad as the noise on my 100k mile 92, and only occurs when temp is below about 20 degrees fahrenheit

Comments on lifter noise- Started at about 60000, about 10000 after I started drving it hard. Sometimes, a quick blip of the gas will make it momentarly cease.

Comments on lifter noise- It did seem to me that the lifter noise went away after I used Mobile 1 synthetic. But lately especially when the motor is cold..it makes the noise for a bit after startup and then it goes away or makes it very quiet.

Comments on lifter noise- Keep your oil in good condition. Never go more than 5000 miles between oil changes.

Other comments- Mitsubishi redesigned the lifters. If you get a new lifter and compair it to an old one you can see the hole on top is much bigger for better oiling.

Comments on lifter noise- Lifters tick periodically. Oil level doesn't help nor does the temperature.

Comments on lifter noise- I only use the 0w30 when it's significantly cold. Other times I use the 10w30. Always Tick.

I recently had an oil leak that caused me to be going through a lot of oil, so I couldn't afford the synthetic, so I had to switch to the Tech2000 10w30 and lo and behold - no more lifter noise - no matter what.

It sucks as when I first got my car I asked Mitsu Service about Synthetic, they said Mitsu didn't recommend it as it caused Lifter noice. I hate when dealers are apparently correct.

Comments on lifter noise- After the noise starts it seems to go away for a little bit, then it comes back in a never ending cycle. Doesn't seem to hurt anything.

Other comments- I change the filter every 3-4,000 miles. I had lifter noise when I bought it at 5k miles (on dino oil), so nothing really helped, even with genuine mitsu oil filter

Comments on lifter noise- I get lots of clicking from the relays on the firewall in front of the driver...I wonder if that's alot of what everyone else hears?

Comments on lifter noise- Most apparent at start up... notice every once in a while when warmed up

Other comments- bought car with 45,000 miles. Noticed ticking at about 75,000 miles when I had about 2,800 - 3,000 miles since last oil change. Would go away after oil was changed. Started changing oil at 2,500 miles, seemed to help. At about 90,000 miles ticking was noticed even after oil change.

Comments on lifter noise- After switching to MObil 1 synthetic, the lifters rarely tick. They use to tick all of the time. The oil also helped tremendously in cold start conditions. Car didn't want to rev and felt real weak when cold while using regular oil. After switching to synthetic, I discovered the oil cap was bad.

Comments on lifter noise- Lifter noise when cold, not noticeable otherwise.

Comments on lifter noise- 20k miles using Amsoil and NO tick. Previously used Mobil 1 10w30. I DID have valve lifter noise around 47k miles and ended up getting the lifters replaced. Since then I only used Amsoil and have had success with it so far.

Comments on lifter noise- Bought the car used. After lisntening to the lifter noise on my '90 Probe, this thing is silent. There is a slight noticable sound for about 15 secs. when the car is first started. After that, NOTHING

Comments on lifter noise- just a reminder most electronicly fuel-injected vehicles with basic electronic injectors(inc. ours)make a ticking sound..The opening and closing of the injector is what makes the sound.Try to cover the injectors to deaden the sound and make sure the noise i only comming from right under the valve cover.Mechanics stethiscope works great for this

Other comments- I run 2qts Mobil 1 Synthetic 10w30 and 2qts 20w50.I figure if Mobil 1 is good for a gazillion dollar space-shuttle,its good for my $25,000 Eclipse.As you can tell by the milage,my car dont see ANY action in the winter months.NEVER RUN 20W50 IN THE WINTER!.On the subject of NEVER;NEVER!! EVER!!! run any type of motor flush thru our cars if equipped w/ an oil cooler;unless you take the cooler off and clean it seperately. BREAK-IN: Anything that wears should be broken in cars especialy.They should use conventional oil for break-in.Usually 500~1500 miles then change oil & filter and go with a good synthetic.for more info or comments on this e~mail vylent_JAY@webtv.net. Bye the way anyone out there tried Royal Purple Synthetic motor oil,if so drop me a line

Comments on lifter noise- 10-30in summer 5-30in winter

Comments on lifter noise- If my oil level is 1 quart low, I get some noise. (I have a leaky valve cover.)

Other comments- Had lifter noise at around 20,000 mi. The dealer said it was carbon deposits. Cleaned and replaced some parts. No problem since.
(I think there is a carbon deposit TSB)

Comments on lifter noise- I guess the first year I had the car, I heard no lifter noise. Then the following months, it started to tick, tick, and tick more =(

Other comments- Strange, after I got a 16g install along w/ the RRE stainless steel oil line, the lifter sound almost disappeared. Can anyone tell me if running 5w50 is bad?? From the posts, 50 may be too thick but Kragen (the store) told me it would be alright. Also DO NOT GET THE FRAM DOUBLE GUARD, IT HAS TEFLON IN IT BAD! BAD ! BAD!!!!

Comments on lifter noise- When I first got the car from a used car dealership, the previous owner had placed in the oil container very thin oil. Thus, I suppose they ran it very hard and apparently put in it very thin consistent oil so that the car would sound loud and powerful

Other comments- Since then I changed the oil pump and changed the head. I started to also use valvoline oil, synthetic when possible 20/50. I notice increased power, and since I rack up alot of miles this protects the engine even more. I have tried other oils and I feel power loss and it breaks down. Another factor that helps is that I use premium fuel. The one problem I have with the car is that it is not fuel economic.

Comments on lifter noise- This is my third DSM. I have owned a 1992 Eagle Talon (non-Turbo), a 1992 Mitsubishi Eclipse FWD Turbo. Currently, I own (since new) a 1995 Eclipse GS-T with 97000 miles. The lifters on this car were changed under warranty around 30000 miles, but they have not made any noise since. I would very rarely have liffter noise on the 1992 Eclipse Turbo I had owned. On the other hand, the 1992 Eagle Talon (non-turbo) had excessive lifter noise in many operating conditions. This car was a LEMON, having one problem after another. I believe changing the oil every 3000 miles since the oil in these turbocharged engines is working in relatively high temperatures. I use multi-brands of oil, conventional and semi-synthetic. I always use 10W-30 weight. Oil is changed every 3000 miles in all my cars. I believe this is the best insurance for engine life.

Comments on lifter noise- I've had the lifters replaced twice in the 3 yrs. that I'e owned the car.

Comments on lifter noise- When started cold, for a few minutes.

Comments on lifter noise- had lifter noise big time, took car to dealer they replaced the lifters under warranty, noise was still there so i did this. i used the BIGGER oil filter of the 2 available, ran some kleen flo injector cleaner thru the gas. run only 93 octane. an havent had the noise since, oh yeah, i added a little extra oil than normal to raise the oil pressure a little. maybe not the smartest thing, but it worked.

Comments on lifter noise- had loud lifter noise at idle but after switching to castrol, lifter noise has gone away at idle, but oyu do hear it between 500-1000 RPM. nothing after that.

Comments on lifter noise- Was ticking when I bought the car at 25,000 miles. Only odes it at idle, and mostly when cold.

Comments on lifter noise- Had lifter noise when I bought the car with 24000 miles. After using Mobil1 for the other 11000 miles and doing an engine oil flush twice (Gunk Brand) I very "rarely" get lifter tick. Maybe 2 times a week. Driving my car to and from work every day and driving hard.

Other comments- Mobil 1 Tri-Synthetic rules. Used 0w30 (Extreme Protection) during the winter.

Other comments- Valve cover gasket oil leak like most DSM's out there *sigh*.

Comments on lifter noise- very loud at start-up, gets somewhat quiet after warm-up.

Commentsonlifternoise: I get lifter noise at cold starts. After the car has been warmed up for about 5 mins or so, it goes away.

Othercomments: Redline synthetic 20w50 is too expensive! But nothing is too good for my car.

Commentsonlifternoise: It seems when I use Mobile One 10w30 I would get some lifter tick. When I use 15w50 I get none at all.

Comments on lifter noise- I switched from 10w30 Mobil One to 10w30 Amsoil. Lifter noise went just about away. Slight when started after sitting for a while. Goes away before I put it in gear and drive away.

Othercomments: I rebuild my engines every 75000kms or at the same time i do my timing belt check out

Comments on lifter noise- Ticking is louder on idle when engine is cold. Continues off and on during idling after running awhile. Just started happening around 30,000.

Other comments- I am switching to a genuine Mitsubishi oil filter and a synthetic 10w30 to see if that makes a difference.

Other comments- Recently switched from using Mobil 1 10W-30 with Purolator Pure One. Extending interval from 3,000 to 5,000 miles. Will check cleanliness of oil and am considering an oil by-pass setup to further reduce wear and tear on the engine and to extend the drain-interval.

Comments on lifter noise- Dodge Stealth RT. Lifter noise 1500 miles after oil change. Drives me CRAZY.

Other comments- Coming off the highway, ticking is bad, then it just goes away suddenly. Sometimes a blip on the throttle will cause it to get quiet. Haven't experimented with synthetic yet, but definitely have to try something soon.

Just began to tick a month ago now that it got cold out (30's)(Michigan). Almost like a real light buzzzzzz. Does it whether the engine is hot or cold, just started or done running. Hopefully it goes away in the spring.

Other comments- Purolator filter = oilpressure is back.

Comments on lifter noise- Grinding noise when started or hard acceleration.

Comments on lifter noise- sucks

Other comments- none, its a curse of the dsm,and crappy trannys ,i hate my tranny!!!!it never shifts when i try to beat on it.

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